Versionen im Vergleich


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Please make sure that in the Term button in the blue bar at the top of the page the semester is set which you want to create a course for. After that, click on the Add new Courses menu item.

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In the window that opens, first enter the basic information for the course (required fields):

Title: Please make sure not to use any special characters, see also What do I need to consider when creating the course title?.

Course Type: A drop-down list with a pre-set list of options, such as Lecture or Seminar. If your faculty has its teaching load calculated via Friedolin, please note that only certain types of courses can be considered when calculating the teaching load.

Number of Students presumably turning up: Enter the number of places that you want to be allocated in the 1st automatic allocation of course places (see also How does the automatic allocation of course places work?). If you want the participants to be admitted to the course manually only, enter 0 (see also How does the manual allocation of course places work?).

Upper Limit for Number of Students 2nd run: Maximum number of participants, which is relevant for the 2nd automatic allocation of course places and serves as a benchmark for the application for and allocation of rooms (central allocation by the Central Lecture Theatre Management department, in some cases by the Faculties and Institutes). Please enter the actual maximum number of participants. It must be greater than or equal to the Number of Students presumably turning up.

Duty on assignment: see also What's the difference between courses subject to registration and those that are not?.

Import of Courses: see also the How do I import courses from other departments? page.

Rhythm: See also How do I change the frequency of a course?.

Language of instruction: Please enter the language in which the course will be held. The pre-set language is German. See the below screenshot for further possible languages. Students can use the Search for Courses function to find courses in a certain language. Please note that the teachers that are assigned to the course can also change this setting.

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Save these settings. After that, you will be displayed the course number created by the system. You can now add further information to the course via the other tabs.
