Frequently asked questions about Microsoft 365.
This guide is especially aimed at the following target groups:
- Employees
- enrolled students
Who can register for Microsoft 365 through the University?
All employees and students. If unsure of your role, contact University’s IT-Service.
How can I register for Microsoft 365?
To do this, you must first log in at and select the menu item "Microsoft" in the vertical menu on the left.
You will then receive a login via email, which you can use to log in at
Who can sign up for Microsoft 365 through the University?
All employees and students. If you are not sure, contact the university's IT service.
Where can I download Microsoft 365?
The Microsoft 365 products can be downloaded from the Microsoft portal.
To be able to log in there, you must first register for Microsoft 365 via our Portal page.
How many licenses can be used at the same time?
You can use Microsoft 365 on five different devices. It does not matter whether the purpose of use is private or business.
Which platforms/operating systems are supported?
For personal computers, current Windows and MacOS variants are supported.
Microsoft 365 is available in a limited version for smartphones with current versions of the iOS and Android operating systems.
Is an Internet connection required to use Microsoft 365?
An Internet connection is required when installing and registering Microsoft 365. Afterwards you can use Microsoft 365 offline.
If you have not been connected to the Internet with your device for a longer period of time, Microsoft 365 may switch to a mode with limited functionality. To solve the problem yourself, you simply need to connect to the Internet and full functionality should be restored. Afterwards, Microsoft 365 will be fully usable again without an Internet connection.
What data protection aspects must be taken into account when using Microsoft 365?
Your affiliation with the University of Jena, including your email address, will be transferred to the Ilmenau University of Technology, which ensures that Microsoft 365 is purchased centrally for all universities in Thuringia and forwards the data to Microsoft. If you are interested in how Microsoft handles your data, especially your data in the OneDrive Cloud, please contact Microsoft directly.
Why has my account been suspended?
If we no longer have information about your enrolment, you will no longer be eligible to use Microsoft 365. This also applies to employees. Your eligibility to use Microsoft 365 ends with your employment. If you have specific questions or encounter individual problems, you can contact the IT-Service.
Also, it is possible that you have manually deactivated your account after logging in. To fix this problem, open any Microsoft 365 programme. Click on your username in the upper right corner, select “Log in” and log in again with your university email address and your self-selected password.
I have forgotten my password. How do I get a new password?
If you have forgotten your password, the solution depends on whether it is the password of your university login or the password with which you log in to the Microsoft Portal. In the case of the former, contact the IT Service (Ernst-Abbe-Platz 4, Room 1209) to obtain a new password. The MS Portal password can be reset by logging into this page with your university login and requesting a new password under "Microsoft". Afterwards, a newly generated password will be emailed to you.
What will happen if I deactivate my device in the Microsoft 365 portal?
This function is only intended for unauthorized access to the device in the event of theft and cannot be undone for you. Contact the IT service center if you have any questions.
How do I uninstall Microsoft 365 from my device?
Remove the software via the usual way for your operating system. You can log out from Microsoft 365 Apps beforehand.
I am employed at the University Hospital or am doing my doctorate, but am not immatriculated, am I eligible for the Microsoft 365 license?
No, due to the current Microsoft tenant of the Thuringian universities, Microsoft 365 can only be made available to employees and students.
Are there alternatives to Microsoft 365?
Yes, there are. However, small to large restrictions are to be expected, especially when collaborating with other people who use Microsoft 365.
A well-known alternative is LibreOffice. LibreOffice is intended as an open source alternative to the Microsoft 365 package and can therefore be used free of charge. The range of functions is similar. According to our current knowledge, there are only a few restrictions.
Title: "Microsoft 365 — FAQ"
edited: 06/02/2023