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Internetzugang für mobile Geräte (WLAN, Eduroam) (uni-jena.de) for more information about the Eduroam network.. Setting up the Eduroam Wifi (manually)1. Step: Update and upgrade the software componentsOpen the Linuxterminal with the key combination Strg + Alt + T Update and upgrade the system with the following command: [user@devicename]:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Confirm the command with Enter and enter your password. Confirm the installation with Enter and type J or Y on your keypad when prompted. 2. Step: Delete old Eduroam WLAN profilesIf Eduroam has never been set up on the end device, you can continue directly with step 3. Open the Wi-Fi setting.
Open the eduroam settings by clicking on the gear next to "eduroam".
Click "Remove connection".
4. Step: Install Eduroam profile with CATFor a secure connection setup, some settings and the installation of a security certificate are necessary. The latter ensures that your end device does not simply trust any (malicious) access point and pass on your login data.
Open the Wifi-Settings by klicking on the Symbols on the top right corner on your screen and selecting "settings". You should now see a list of the available Wifi-connections. Select "eduroam". (click to enlarge the picture) A new window is shown. First select the row "CA certificate" and klick on "Select from file..." in the drop-down menu. Now you have to navigate to the folder in which the certificates are stored. (click to enlarge the picture) Klick on the arrow that is marked in the picture above. (click to enlarge the picture) Now new Symbols symbols are shown. Klick on the one that is marked in the picture above. (click to enlarge the picture) In the List list of folders on the screen klick on the one named "etc". (click to enlarge the picture) Now klick on the folder named "ssl" (You might have to scroll down the list to find it). (click to enlarge the picture) Now klick on "certs". (click to enlarge the picture) Now you are being shown a list of certificates. If you followed the 1. step there should be the file "ISRG_Root_X1.pem" in the list. Select this file and klick on the green "Open" Button in the top right of the window. (click to enlarge the picture) In the "CA certificate" row the selected file should now be visible. Now you can fill out the rest of the rows with the information that is shown in the picture above. In the field "Username" enter the URZ login with "@uni-jena.de" directly attached, e.g. ab12cde@uni-jena.de (not the e-mail address), in the field "Password" enter the corresponding password. Finally klick on "Connect". If your Login-Information is correct you should now be connected with the eduroam-network. Related articles