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Click on the When/Where tab to set the dates and rooms for each class of the course. You can request a room for each group. Enter the day of week, time of day, frequency as well as start and end dates for each class. If you manage the room yourself, you can directly enter it, see also How do I allocate a room that's managed by my own unit?. If it is a room managed by the Central Room Management see How do I request rooms that are centrally managed?.

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You can create multiple groups for a course. Click on Parallel Group and choose the desired group number. You can assign multiple dates to one group.

Please note:

Multiple different groups (group 0, group 1, etc.) are alternatives that participants can choose from (for example practice groups with the same content but on different weekdays). Students need to join only one of the groups offered.

If a group has multiple dates, participants of this group must attend all of these dates (for example a combination of trips and seminar sessions).
