You need to log in using your University login details (URZ-Login) you are provided by the University Computer Centre (URZ). For more information please contact the IT Service Centre at and on the wiki of the University Computer Centre. If you are an employee of the University of Jena: If you are a student of the University of Jena: - Your applicant log in details are only intended for use during the application process. The student-related functions are not yet available to you.
- The enrolment documents that you are sent include the login details that you need to self-register with the service portal of the University Computer Centre (URZ). Shortly after you have self-registered with the portal, you can register with Friedolin by using the University login details you have received from the portal and the password you have chosen yourself.
- In following semesters, you will only be able to continue using Friedolin if you have re-registered as a student for each subsequent semester. If you have questions about the re-registration process, please contact the Student Service Centre.
- From the day you have de-registered as a student, you can use Friedolin for only one more month and only have access to your academic record.
If you are studying at another university and have registered as a visiting student in order to take certain courses at the University of Jena (Zweithörer): - Please go to the IT Service Centre at Ernst-Abbe-Platz 4, room 1209 and produce your statement of visiting student status letter (Zweithörerschein) in order to obtain the login details that you need to self-register with the service portal of the University of Jena.
- You may also request your login details by sending an email to
- After you have self-registered with the portal, please request to be manually added as a Friedolin user either by sending an email to or by submitting a request with the Friedolin support team.