Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.



Under the Schedule of classes menu item, it is possible for you as a departmental administrator to print your department's schedule of classes as a PDF file. Select the branch of the schedule of classes that you want to create the PDF file for and click on the PDF button.

If the following error message is displayed

Error in XSL-Datei 'publish/pmodul/xslfo/vvzpublish/vvz_FSU.xsl'

there is a formatting error in one of the courses assigned to this branch.

In order to fix the error, please go to the detailed view of each of the courses and check whether in the text fields like comments or bibliographies there are formattings (e.g. from Word) that might cause the error, for example a full stop at the end of the text that is not part of the text. Go to the Edit Lecture menu item to delete any unnecessary formatting from the corresponding fields and save your changes. After that, it should be possible to create the PDF file.

If you want to avoid this kind of problem, insert the supplementary texts to a course without any additional formatting (see also How do I insert comments from Word?).