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Englisch (US)



Before beginning work at the Institute for Applied Physics, a few organizational tasks must be completed. This registration includes the collection of data for new employees to register for the safety briefing, issuing a transponder (key), IT access, registration on the IAP website and on internal lists (e.g. telephone list ...).

To register, the new employee and the supervisor must fill out this form and countersign it with the work group leader.
The form signed by the working group leader must be submitted to the ServiceDesk here. The submission should be made by the new employee. A URZ login is required for registration. If you do not yet have a URZ login, please read here.

The following points are processed as part of the registration:

  1. Registration for the safety instructions
  2. Output of the transponder
    • The transponder can only be issued after the safety briefing has been completed
  3. Output of IT access data for the IAP
    • The IT access data is only issued with a valid authorization for the IT infrastructure of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  4. employee registration
    • Data such as office number, office phone number, e-mail, etc. are collected for the IAP web page

The registration process starts when the registration is sent and is automatic and can take a few days. If necessary, you will be informed of any queries by e-mail to your university address.

If your data has changed or you are changing the working group within the IAP, please also use this registration form. The steps will be processed for you as needed as described above.





Um IAP-Zugang zu erhalten ist das Anmeldeformular auszufüllen. Das unterschriebene Formular ist über den ServiceDesk ServiceDesk hier einzureichen, beides muss durch den Gruppenleiter erfolgen.


Englisch (US)

IOF Employees 

IOF Employees 

To get or to renew IAP access, your group leader must complete and sign the registration form and submit the form to the ServiceDesk here.

