The danger posed by phishing emails is often underestimated, so here are some checkpoints to keep in mind:

Recognise spam / phishing e-mails

  • SPAM mails advertise products or mimics newsletters, while phishing targets you or your group directly.
  • These mails often contain attached malware. This is why you should never open an e-mail attachment from a sender you do not know.
    Text in a spam mails often contains a link that leads to a malicious website: one careless click opens in your browser a fake website that could be infected with malware.
  • The mail does not address you personally (usually), instead beginning with "Dear customer...".
  • The text informs you that you must do something immediately, or else. "If you do not update your data right away, they will be deleted forever..."
  • The text uses threats: "If you do not do this, we must unfortunately lock your account..."
  • The text requires you to enter confidential data like the PIN for your online banking or a credit card number.
  • The e-mail contains links or forms with suspicious URLs containing cryptic web addresses and Top-Level Domains like "*.to, *.me".
  • The message text is poorly written and images appear incorrectly formatted or scaled.
  • The text contains Cyrillic letters or incorrect or missing special characters.
  • If you have doubts about the origin, hover over links and sender addresses to see the links they point to. Sometimes, displayed names such as "University Administration" refer to "".

If you receive a suspicious email from a colleague, you can ask in return about the validity of the received message.

What you can do

"Spam" is actually a can of "spiced pork and ham". The use for e-mails goes back to a sketch by the comedian Monty Python.
E-mail spam has steadily grown since the early 1990s and is estimated to account 90% of total e-mail traffic.

Further information

  1. FSU Jena - URZ Phishing Service (de/en)
  2. Schutz vor Phishing (de)
  3. BSI information on spam (en | de)
  4. BSI information on phishing e-mail (en | de)
  5. Wikipedia (en | de)