For the english version see below.


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  • Mitarbeitende des Universitätsklinikums Jena
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PDF Error "Please wait..." Workaround


When opening some PDF (forms), this error shows up:

This guide is aimed at the following target groups:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Employees
  • Scientific employees and assistants
  • Institutions and Commitees (e.g. student councils)
  • Working groups (e.g. projects)
  • Guests of the University of Jena


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Under Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC-Download | Kostenloser PDF-Viewer für Windows, Mac OS, Android you can Download the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Mozilla Firefox

If Mozilla Firefox is installed on your target device, use it.

You can download Mozilla Firefox from the following link: Download Firefox Browser – schnell, privat und kostenlos – von Mozilla.

Microsoft Edge

Click the "Save" icon in the top right corner of the header.

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Now open the file using Adobe Acrobat Reader via right click.

Google Chrome

Click on the "Download" icon in the top right corner of the header.

Save your document to Downloads as file type "Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf)". 

Now open the file using Adobe Acrobat Reader via right click.

Titel: "PDF Error "Please wait..." Workaround"

Stand: 15.12.2022

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